Wesley Mason

Wesley is a brother of Lamda Chi Alpha. He has been the diamond guy for the Alpha Delta Pi chapter at school. He supports us as a sorority and as women. Wesley has a passion for children as well as supporting Love Your Melon, Jumping for a Cure, and Feeding America. He supports Best Buddies […]
Keith Maples

Keith Maples was raised in a lower income family, but that never stopped him from striving to accomplish his dreams. He worked three jobs one summer to help pay for his college tuition. Before realizing his dreams were in politics, he was accepted into the engineering program and failed out. Despite these hardships, Keith never […]
Lee Jackson

When I think of a gentleman, there is one person who comes to mind – Lee Jackson. Lee was raised by a single mom and it was her and Lee’s grandmother that molded him into the gentleman he is today. Intelligent, polite, patient — every girl deserves to know a young man like Lee. Lee […]
Joseph Maroney

Joseph is a competent organizer, driven student, and effective leader, communicator and relationship-builder. He is passionate about serving people through politics and business. Because of his belief that economic liberty is the best way to promote human flourishing, he founded a chapter of the American Enterprise Institute’s Values & Capitalism project at our university. He […]
Kameron Fletcher

Kameron Fletcher is one of the nicest and most genuine people I have ever met. He displays what a modern and true gentleman looks like, while also having fun. He has always been a great friend to me and has been there whenever I needed him. He is such a joy to be around and […]
Nicholas Bradshaw

Nicholas and I met the first night of college. He asked me on a date to an art museum the next day. Unfortunately, about 30 minutes before we went out I ate some bad Indian food and ended up vomiting all over myself and the floor. Rather than leaving and never speaking to me again, […]
Tanner Hirschfeld

Tanner is a hardworking first-year at the University of Virginia who embodies the ideals upon which the university was founded. Thomas Jefferson advocated for freedom of speech and thought, excellence in academics, and outstanding service to one’s nation. Tanner served as the Chairman of the UVA Students for Tom Garrett chapter helping to elect Representative […]
Cody Fongemie

Cody is a smart, thoughtful man that has dedicated his entire life to help his community. He is currently the Assistant Marketing Director at 2LiveBeyond Initiative, which is a non-profit organization that provides financial stability to underprivileged children. He also served his community back home in CT as a police cadet for several years. Cody […]
Anthony Gonzalez

According to Merriam-Webster’s definition, a “gentleman” is “a man whose conduct conforms to a high standard of propriety or correct behavior.” Anthony Gonzalez meets this definition and more than exceeds it. He is always kind, whether he knows you well or not, and is such a welcoming person. To put down examples of his kindness […]
Will Nardi

Will Nardi deserves this title because he is a strong conservative who isn’t afraid to make his views known. Not only has Will helped get dozens of people involved in the conservative movement, but he has created his own publication group of 50 college students that write about politics in a philosophical point of view. […]