NeW at Cornell University Connects Over Breakfast Before Bookclub

On Saturday, October 24, the members of NeW at Cornell University took some time to catch up over breakfast before launching into a bookclub discussion. This semester half of the school was virtual while the other half were on campus. To make the most of a challenging situation, NeW at Cornell University hosted a combination […]

NeW at Belmont University Hosts Debate Watch Party

NeW at Belmont University co-hosted a presidential debate watch party on Thursday, October 22 with Turning Point USA while the presidential candidates discussed their policies before the nation on their campus. Women from NeW at Belmont University canvased around Nashville the day before the event to invite people to the event. During the event, they […]

NeW at Boston University Celebrates One-Month Anniversary

NeW at Boston University commemorated its first month of being on campus with a celebratory dinner on Thursday, October 8. Because two e-board members have already faced backlash, slander, and rumors due to their political affiliations in the chapter’s short existence, the event could not have come at a better time, members said. The event […]

NeW at University of Virginia Hosts Intimate Conversation with Hannah Fritz

NeW at the University of Virginia hosted a dinner discussion on Thursday, October 1 with Hannah Fritz, a former White House staffer, former special assistant to the Secretary of Labor, and current public servant at the Women’s Bureau. Thanks to COVID-19 restrictions, what was originally planned as a large speaker event was scaled back to […]

NeW at Colorado State University Kicks Off With Ice Cream Social

The recently formed chapter, NeW at Colorado State University, hosted its first event on Wednesday, October 7 to kick off the school year. Thankful that they were able to meet in person, 15 women from the chapter gathered over churn ice cream at a local shop in Fort Collins. The attendees were excited to get […]

NeW at Harvard University Hosts Engaging Discussion with Jennifer Braceras

On Wednesday, October 28, NeW at Harvard University hosted Jennifer Braceras of the Independent Women’s Forum via Zoom for a discussion on her experience as a political columnist and her career in law. She spoke with the chapter women for an hour and engaged in thoughtful conversation. Braceras began by detailing her unique career path […]

NeW at Xavier University Recruits Members with Headshots and Popsicles

In September, NeW at Xavier University hosted their first meeting on campus and invited first-year students and other interested women on campus to join them for popsicles. They took this time to introduce women to their chapter and shared about what it was like to get involved in NeW. They were thrilled with the great […]
