Bryant Howard

Bryant Howard is a man who loves hockey, dogs and his country. He is intelligent, funny and grounded. But his defining qualities lie in the way he embodies the definition of gentleman, a chivalrous, courteous, honorable man. He treats everyone with respect and strives to make everyone feel valued and appreciated. He is the person […]

Connor Walsh

Connor is one of the most genuine guys I’ve ever met. He is a complete gentleman, and treats everyone with the utmost respect. If you ask anyone who knows him, they’ll tell you how sweet he is. He’s always there for you when you need a helping hand whether it’s something small like a homework […]

Kyle Jennings

Kyle is the definition of a gentleman. When Phi Gamma Delta rejoined the University of Pittsburgh, we went on the principle that you would be joining a group of FIJI gentleman. Kyle took this to heart and has always acted in a gentlemanly way. Kyle will do the little things like hold doors open, always […]

Elias Gavilan

Elias is a true gentleman. He is kind and humble. He portrays honor and respect in the way that he treats other, especially women.

Nicholas (Cole) Perry

Nicholas “Cole” Perry hails from Memphis, Tennessee and perfectly encompasses what a modern gentleman should be (all while adding a hint of southern charm). On campus, Cole is an active advocate for gentlemanly and conservative values. He is treasurer of the College Republicans and Grand Knight in the Knights of Columbus, a Catholic men’s organization […]

Michael Khan

Michael Khan is my proof that chivalry is not dead. Yes, ladies, he’s chivalrous in all the stereotypical ways: opening doors, lifting heavy boxes, killing the bugs, opening tightly-closed jars, and respecting his mama. But Michael goes beyond mere chivalry — he has the true character of a gentleman. When I first met Michael Khan […]

EJ Fink

EJ shows what it looks like to be a reliable friend and seeks to bring out the best in others. He shows others that he cares deeply for them in the way that he will set everything aside to have a conversation with someone who is struggling or just having a bad day. He is […]

Connor Schumacher

Connor exhibits all the necessary qualities and more that coincide with being a gentleman. Being a gentleman insinuates a level of respect no matter the situation or person. Connor is kind, considerate, a team-player, an excellent co-worker, and friend. He upholds his conservative principles, yet still is a respectful gentleman. Connor is more than deserving […]

Cooper Millhouse

Cooper Millhouse is a true servant. He always puts others above himself. He is the most selfless human I have ever met. He puts the needs of others above his own, which I think is the number 1 most important aspect of being a gentleman. Thus, I would like to nominate him for The Gentlemen […]

Seth Shepherd

Seth is the consummate gentleman, treating everyone around him with dignity, and leading others in every aspect of his life. He brings a level of class to his pursuits not seen often today, and excels at everything he attempts. Seth is a scholar with a 3.8 GPA at an academically rigorous school; an athlete on […]
