Professional Spotlight: Krista Chavez

Meet Krista Chavez, one of the leaders of the NeW DC Professional Network. Krista originally got involved with NeW as a student at American University. When she graduated in 2018, she quickly got plugged into the Professional Network in Washington, DC and assumed a leadership role a few months later. She is the Media Relations Coordinator for a think tank in the Washington, DC area.

What professional advice would you share with young women?
Always be open to feedback. All feedback is positive – even that which seems negative. You are in charge of your own individual improvement and growth, so make sure you listen to how your actions and products are being perceived by your colleagues and audiences. 

Why is NeW important to you?
I transferred my involvement in NeW to a young professional setting once I graduated from college in May 2018. Each time I attended a NeW event or helped Amber and my co-lead, Rebecca, plan upcoming events, I felt very connected and at home, as though I was revisiting my roots so-to-speak. Being a professional member has helped keep me involved in the organization and maintain my friendships while not being overwhelmed by time commitments. I highly recommend all women who have formerly been involved in NeW as students to participate in their local professional chapters. If you don’t have a local chapter, Amber is an excellent person to help you start one.

NeW has provided me with a network of women with whom I can engage with intellectually and professionally. They challenge me to improve myself through professional development and to bring my best to every situation. It also connected me to lifelong friends and mentors. I am very thankful for my experiences with NeW at American University and now in the Professional Network.” – Krista Chavez

Interested in learning more or joining a NeW Professional Network? Email Amber Downer, Program Manager for the Network of enlightened Women.



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