April 12 Registration Deadline for the Leadership Brunch! Register Today!

Register Today For Our Spring Leadership Brunch with Lou Ann Sabatier!

Join us at City Tap House in Washington, DC on April 14 for a discussion and brunch, with Lou Ann Sabatier, Director of Communications for 21Wilberforce. Her talk is titled: When Faith is All You Have: Women and Persecution. 

In her role as Director of Communications for 21Wilberforce, Lou Ann Sabatier manages branding and messaging for the organization. She oversees strategic development of three websites, multiple newsletters, social media, collateral material, press, and the annual International Religious Freedom Congressional Scorecard.

Prior to working with 21Wilberforce, Lou Ann spent 40 years working in media and communications. For fifteen years, she led publishing operations in the fields of politics and international economics. In addition, for ten years early in her career she served as a literary agent, packaging and selling non-fiction works on politics, economics, and cultural criticism.

Sabatier has spent the last 22 years heading a global consulting consortium with 19 consultants in the areas of branding, business development, market research, marketing, operations audits, and mergers and acquisitions. With more than 200 assignments completed, clients include a list as diverse as World Vision/Save the Children, the International Monetary Fund, the OECD, the Federal Reserve Bank, National Geographic, American Marketing Association, the U.S. Marine Corps, and the Chronicle of Higher Education. About one-quarter of her client experience has been with faith-based organizations or ministries. Sabatier served on the board of Magazine Training International (MTI) for five years and continues to provide training for MTI around the world.

This event is free for NeW members. You can register here.  Not a member? Join today!



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