How to Kill it at Work and Get the Job You Really Want

On December 3, women from across New York City gathered in Gramercy Park deep in the heart of Manhattan to glean kernels of wisdom from speaker Vanessa Mendoza, the executive vice president of the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research. Mendoza spoke to the Network of enlightened Women’s New York City Professional Network chapter about an […]

National Conference Recap: Understanding Women’s Rights Around the World

Lisa Daftari on Women’s Rights Around the World For many Americans, basic women’s rights are taken for granted and are not fully appreciated when compared to the human rights violations around the world. At this year’s National Conference, Lisa Daftari, TV and Radio Host/Commentator, combatted this ignorance to demonstrate how women’s rights are being violated […]

The Importance of the 19th Amendment

On August 18, 1920, something remarkable occurred in American politics: the Constitution was amended for the nineteenth time, but this time women were given a voice in American politics. Throughout the history of the United States, the Constitution has been amended to deal with unanswered questions from the Founding Era. One of those questions included […]

Policy Debate: Careers, Babies, and What Policies Work Best for Women

Debating the option of running parental leave through Social Security NeW’s National Conference included a debate entitled Careers, Babies, and What Policies Work Best for Women featuring Carrie Lukas andRachel Greszler, moderated by Kelsey Harkness. The debate focused on the benefits and drawbacks of allowing mothers to access Social Security funds to pay for maternity […]

What College Students Say About Their Campuses When They’re Allowed To Be Honest

The gathering of college women’s single most important message was on the importance of free speech, including a defense of independent thought and respectful dialogue across political divides. By Melissa Langsam Braunstein – Originally posted on The Federalist As far back as 1965, George Harrison urged his listeners, “Think for yourself.” That was good, countercultural advice at the […]

Brunch Recap: Religious Freedom and Women

By Brianna Howard, NeW at Catholic University Each time I attend a NeW event, I’m reminded of the power of each letter in our organization’s name. Network. Enlightened. Women. At the last leadership brunch on April 14 at City Tap House in Washington, DC, NeW hosted Lou Ann Sabatier. Lou Ann is the Director of Communications for […]

Religious Persecution and Women’s Rights

By Meg McEwen “Our rights spring from our own human dignity. This is profound, and this is why we can fight unjust laws. This is the reason we can fight governments,” Lou Ann Sabatier explained to the small crowd of NeW women at the brunch in D.C. this past Saturday. It is easy to get […]

Women Oppression in the 21st Century

Essay By Jessica Martinez, NeW at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte If you asked me if I have experienced oppression for being a woman, my answer would be no. For my whole life, I have had the opportunity to attend school, to speak openly, go outside without having to make sure that I am […]
