Leader Spotlight: Hannah Kim, NeW at University of South Florida

Meet Hannah Kim, Vice President of NeW at the University of South Florida. How did you first hear about NeW? When one of the members of our school’s College Republicans club sent out a message asking if any of were interested in joining the executive board for this new conservative women’s club at school, I […]

Leader Spotlight: Karsyn Dorris, NeW at Sioux Falls

Meet Karsyn Dorris, Communications Director of NeW at Sioux Falls. How did you first hear about NeW? Our chapter president reached out to me and told me a little about NeW — it was love at first sight! Why is having a NeW chapter on campus so important to you? It is so important that […]

Celebrating 17 Years of NeW

How do you measure the impact of an organization? You might start by looking at metrics that are easily quantifiable: membership numbers, how many events the organization hosts, or its number of hits on social media. But that wouldn’t capture the whole picture. To truly know how much an organization has accomplished, you have to […]

Leader Spotlight: Brooke Myers, NeW at University of South Florida

Meet Brooke Myers, Social Media Director for NeW at the University of South Florida. How did you first hear about NeW? I first heard about NeW while looking for conservative clubs on campus. I looked into the national chapter and then the chapter at the University of South Florida, and NeW seemed like a great […]

Leader Spotlight: Jordan Archer, NeW at University of Mississippi

Meet Jordan Archer, Social Chair of NeW at the University of Mississippi. How did you first hear about NeW? I first heard about NeW through social media. Our chapter president and I follow each other on Instagram, so I was introduced to NeW through our friendship on social media. Why is having a NeW chapter […]

Celebrating NeW’s Impact: Krista Mitchell, American University

NeW is proud to celebrate 17 years of educating, equipping and empowering conservative women. To celebrate, we are highlighting NeW members across the country and how NeW has impacted their lives. Krista Mitchell graduated from American University in 2018 where she first became involved and active in her local NeW chapter. How did you first […]

Celebrating NeW’s Impact: Charlotte Whelan, Princeton University

NeW is excited to celebrate 17 years of educating, equipping, and empowering conservative women. To celebrate, we want to highlight the accomplishments of the hardworking and dedicated women of NeW. Charlotte Whelan is a NeW alumna from Princeton University and now works as a policy analyst focused on energy and climate policy at the Independent […]

Leader Spotlight: Jess Jacobs, NeW at Catholic University

Meet Jess Jacobs, Treasurer of NeW at the Catholic University of America. How did you first hear about NeW? I first heard about NeW at our fall student organization fair. I was really excited to find a club that was filled with other young women who hold similar beliefs and share similar experiences with me. The […]
