The Best and Worst Moments of ‘Barbie’

Division and polarization have been a part of the human experience since the beginning of time. Infighting can occur even among those who have many of the same worldviews, such as church congregations or political parties. In 2023 it appears that the cause of recent division within the conservative movement is none other than…the Barbie […]

The Rolling Stone Hit Piece Proves Evie Magazine is Doing Something Right

Rolling Stone recently published an expose piece headlined, “This Women’s Mag Is Like a Gen Z ‘Cosmo’ for the Far Right”, painting a picture of Evie Magazine being a concerning and problematic website for promoting a more conservative worldview. The piece describes the magazine as “spreading their message in a semi-deceptive way” and criticizes the […]

Boycotting Target? Shop These Conservative Brands Instead

With companies like Target pushing leftist ideologies down the throats of consumers, it is hard to shop for everyday items without encountering progressive politics. It is even harder to find brands that both align with conservative values as well as fit within a college budget. Our team did the research and has rounded up a […]

Netflix Hits to Empower You During Social Distancing

We understand this time is a difficult for many of you as you are adjusting to living and working from home for hours on end. You are no longer able to visit the mall, go to the movie theater, or hang out with friends. And this tragically happened so quickly. You now may be spending your […]
