Carleton College Blog: My Favorite Convo

This blog post originally appeared on Carleton College’s Admissions Website on April 9, 2019. The piece is written by Lucas Demetriades regarding the recent speech given by Karin Lips, President of NeW, as the weekly convocation speaker at Carleton College. My Favorite Convo I’ve written about Carleton’s convos before, but for those who don’t know, they’re basically weekly […]

Friday Feminist Fail: Boy Moms Edition

I saw this headline on Twitter, “Why has Feminism Affected the Mother-son Bond? You’re a feminist. You’re pregnant. It’s a boy. What next?” Really, the answer is obvious. You celebrate the upcoming birth of your child and raise your child the best you can. As to feminism, you teach your child to respect men and […]

Feminist Fail: Elle Magazine, Iceland and Equal Pay

Elle magazine wins the feminist fail this week for its piece headlined, “Iceland Just Made It Illegal To Pay Men More Than Women.” The first sentence of the article states: “As of 1 January, it is illegal to pay men more than women in Iceland.” In fact, paying women less for the same work has […]
