NeW Announces Winner of 2022 Essay Contest: Ashley Landin

NeW is excited to announce the winner of the High School Category of the 2022 Lead Like a Lady Essay Contest is Ashley Landin, a student at Judson Early College Academy. Congratulations, Ashley! How did you hear about the 2022 Lead Like a Lady Essay Contest and why did you choose to participate in it? […]

Defining Leadership by Abby Daniels

Growing up, I reserved the term “leader” for the individuals in my life who I perceived to be in a position of power or “in charge.” For example, I thought of my school principals, my basketball coaches, and elected officials as the primary leaders within my sphere.   While those individuals certainly are leaders, I failed […]

Senior Spotlight: Jordan Mercer, NeW at College of Charleston

Congratulations to our graduating seniors and thank you for your work with NeW! We are pleased to spotlight some of our outstanding chapter leaders and members. Meet Jordan Mercer, president of NeW at the College of Charleston. What were some of your favorite events that you participated in with NeW? I enjoyed our NeW Tabling […]

NeW at the University of Vermont Hosts Resume Review and Mocktails Event

NeW at the University of Vermont dusted off their resumes and listened to professional tips while sipping on mocktails on March 31, 2022. Delaney Courcelle, the chapter’s former President, came to campus and gave the members a presentation on how to make a good resume. She looked over all of the attendees’ resumes, and they […]

NeW at Grand Canyon University Throws End-of-Year Party for Parting Members

NeW at Grand Canyon University closed out the school year with a fun party for members on April 8, 2022 as they part from campus for the summer. The chapter hosted an end-of-year party with snacks and giveaways. The chapter’s nominee for The Gentleman Showcase was chosen as “Gentleman of the Year”, so the chapter […]

NeW at the University of South Florida Honors Graduates at End-of-Semester Brunch

NeW at the University of South Florida said goodbye to graduating members at a celebratory brunch on April 9, 2022. The chapter gathered at a local restaurant and enjoyed a final meal and fun conversation before parting from campus for the summer. The attendees thought it was a wonderful social event, during which they celebrated […]

NeW at the University of Vermont Chats About Current Events at Chapter Dinner

NeW at the University of Vermont enjoyed a chapter dinner on April 7, 2022. Several members met up at a local restaurant and had a wonderful time chatting and eating a delicious meal. The group had a lot of fun discussing current events and getting to know each other better. “This chapter is a great […]

NeW at the University of South Florida Wraps up School Year with Chapter Party

NeW at the University of South Florida ended the school year on a fun note with a general body meeting on April 6, 2022. At the meeting, the members conducted elections, discussed achievements from this year, watched their spring 2022 recap video, played some NeW trivia, and celebrated the chapter’s graduates. The NeW trivia included […]
