Chapter Leader Spotlight: Katie Soll, NeW at College of Charleston

Hear from Katie Soll, a chapter leader at the College of Charleston. How did you first hear about NeW? Our president Charlotte was asking for signatures to start a NeW chapter at our college, and I knew right away that it was something I wanted to be involved in! Tell us a little bit about […]

Chapter Leader Spotlight: Julia Donnelly, NeW at CUA

Hear from Julia Donnelly, a chapter leader at the Catholic University of America.  How did you first hear about NeW? One of my friends in a Politics class approached me and another woman and asked us if we would be interested in starting this club at CUA. Tell us a little bit about yourself and […]

Senior Spotlight: Mary Rose Dillon, NeW at Emmanuel College

NeWs flash: the National Conference is rounding the corner. To kick off the event, NeW is giving each nominee for the conference awards the opportunity to express their thoughts about how NeW has shaped them as writers, thinkers, activists, and strong, conservative women. This series will provide readers and listeners with the opportunity to get […]

2018 Chapter Award Nominees: Enlightened Woman of the Year- Mia Wright

NeWs flash: the National Conference is rounding the corner. To kick off the event, NeW is giving each nominee for the conference awards the opportunity to express their thoughts about how NeW has shaped them as writers, thinkers, activists, and strong, conservative women. This series will provide readers and listeners with the opportunity to get […]

Chapter Leader Spotlight: Amelia Irvine, NeW at Georgetown University

Campus Program Associate, Vanessa Rivera, caught up with chapter leader, Amelia Irvine, co-president of NeW at Georgetown University.  How did you first hear about NeW? I first heard about NeW when its Facebook page popped up in my newsfeed one day. I visited the website and signed up for NeW’s email list. After I attended […]

Chapter Leader Spotlight: Lindsey Schulenburg, NeW at GCC

As part of our Chapter Leader Spotlight, we caught up with Lindsey Schulenburg, Vice President for NeW at the Germanna Community College. How did you first hear about NeW? My freshman year, a few juniors started a NeW chapter at Grove City and invited me to attend their meetings. I really looked up to the girls on exec and […]

Chapter Leader Spotlight: Sara Vaubel, NeW at FGCU

Campus Program Associate Vanessa Rivera caught up with NeW at FGCU chapter leader Sara Vaubel as part of our Chapter Leader Spotlights! Check out her response for more insight into what makes NeW leaders so inspirational: Q. How did you first hear about NeW? A. I first heard about NeW through my roommate from freshman […]

Chapter Leader Spotlight: Brianna Howard, NeW at CUA

As part of our Chapter Leader Spotlight, we caught up with Brianna Howard, President of the NeW chapter at the Catholic University of America. Check out her responses below! How did you first hear about NeW? I first found out about NeW from the fabulous women of the AU Chapter. I was so inspired by their […]

Chapter Leader Spotlight: Abby Realsen, NeW at Colorado Christian University

As part of our Chapter Leader Spotlight, Campus Program Associate Vanessa Rivera caught up with Abby Realsen, president of NeW at the Colorado Christian University chapter. How did you first hear about NeW?  I am involved in a think tank here at CCU called the Centennial Institute. I went to a women’s lunch that we were […]

Chapter Leader Spotlight: Abbey Bongiorno, NeW at Eastern Michigan University

Campus Program Associate, Vanessa Rivera, caught up with chapter leader, Abbey Bongiorno, president of NeW at the Eastern Michigan University!  How did you first hear about NeW? I first heard about NeW from the She’s Conservative campaign, specifically the picture of Carly Fiorina. I was just browsing Facebook when I saw Carly Fiorina in a […]
