Women’s Organization Questions Equal Pay Day Narrative

CONTACT: Kathryn Alford, Communications Manager

March 24, 2021


WASHINGTON, DC — Today, the Democratic-controlled U.S. House of Representatives is holding a hearing in the Committee on Oversight and Reform titled, “Honoring ‘Equal Pay Day’: Examining the Long-Term Economic Impacts of Gender Inequality.” In the hearing description, the committee states, “This hearing will review reforms to promote an equitable and inclusive economic recovery for women across the United States and evaluate how enacting comprehensive feminist reforms…would help to ensure full economic inclusion and equity for women.”

The Network of enlightened Women, known as NeW, supports equal pay for  women in the workplace, but urges Congress to evaluate this issue to its full extent, not rely on misused statistics or fake holidays.

Liberal feminists have branded this day as Equal Pay Day – the day that symbolically marks how much longer women supposedly have to work in the next year to catch up to what men earned in the previous year. They argue that women in America make approximately 20 percent less than men just because of their gender. But this statistic does not take into account the important context of the choices women make.

“We all want equal pay for women. Women, regardless of their politics, should review the facts about equal pay and question the broader narrative. The data that the wage gap is based on does not compare two people in the same job, but instead overall earnings of women and men. It also does not compare two people making the same labor choices, such as hours worked,” said Karin Lips, President and Founder of NeW.

NeW supports the empowerment of women and believes women should have the freedom to make the workplace choices that work best for them without a singular focus on how much they bring home in their paycheck each month.

Lips is a nationally recognized expert on the gender wage gap. She has been published on this issue in ForbesThe HillU.S. News and World ReportWashington ExaminerReal Clear Education, and more.

NeW supports intellectual diversity on college campuses and provides educational discussion on important topics such as the gender wage gap through campus chapters at 45 universities across America.


The Network of Enlightened Women educates, equips, and empowers women to be principled leaders for a free society.



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