NeW at Boston College Enjoys Freedom Convention Brunch After Hearing from Guest Speakers
NeW at Boston College ended a fun-filled weekend of student and guest speakers with an excursion into Boston for a Freedom Convention Brunch on April
Leader Spotlight: Laura Hartke, NeW at Sioux Falls
Meet Laura Hartke, Secretary and Treasurer of NeW at Sioux Falls. How did you first hear about NeW? I heard about NeW from my best
NeW at Iowa State University Learns From Lawmakers During State Capitol Visit
NeW at Iowa State University went to the Iowa Capitol to speak with state Senator Carrie Koelker and state Senator Dawn Driscoll on April 19,
Leader Spotlight: Kat Gaiser, NeW at Ohio State University
Meet Kat Gaiser, Treasurer of NeW at the Ohio State University. How did you first hear about NeW? I heard about NeW through our chapter
NeW at Boston College Bonds During Tie-Dye Night on the Quad
NeW at Boston College let loose and got to know each other better during a fun tie-dye event on April 27, 2021. The chapter has
Chapter Spotlight: NeW at Sioux Falls
NeW caught up with the women from NeW at Sioux Falls. Learn about the great work these women are doing on campus from their e-board