
NeW at American University Gives Back With Chapter Gentlemen Showcase
NeW at American University held its very own Gentlemen Showcase, an event that recognizes and honors gentlemen who give back and serve. The chapter decided

NeW at Loyola University Maryland Celebrates Sisterhood with Galentine’s Brunch
NeW at Loyola University Maryland embraced female friendships during a fun brunch to celebrate Galentine’s Day on February 12, 2022. The chapter used the gathering

NeW at Texas Tech Throws Holiday Party for Valentine’s Day
NeW at Texas Tech University celebrated Valentine’s Day this year with a fun holiday party on February 10, 2022. The chapter indulged in chocolate-covered strawberries,

NeW at University of Notre Dame Holds Discussion on Psychology of Morality
NeW at the University of Notre Dame practiced putting themselves in other peoples’ shoes during a group discussion on February 9, 2022. Members from the

NeW at Florida State Shares Favorite Political Books at Coffee Social
NeW at Florida State University got together over coffee and discussed the members’ favorite political books on January 31, 2022. The members gathered and enjoyed

Chapter Spotlight: NeW at Christendom College
NeW caught up with the women from NeW at Christendom College. Learn about the great work these women are doing on campus from their e-board