
Chapter Spotlight: West Virginia University
NeW caught up with the women from NeW at West Virginia University. Learn about the great work these women are doing on campus from their

How to Network on Campus by Ashlyn O’Neill
One of the biggest misconceptions in college is that you have to wait to go out into the world to start making connections. There are
Democracy Dies in Groupthink; Speak up and Join the Debate
This piece originally appeared in Speech First on September 23, 2022. Tennessee is one of the few states that requires a lawyer to have worked full-time

Chapter Spotlight: University of Arizona
NeW caught up with the women from NeW at University of Arizona. Learn about the great work these women are doing on campus from their

Congresswoman Debbie Lesko Encourages Women to be Outspoken in their Conservative Beliefs
NeW is proud to educate, equip, and empower conservative women to be the next generation of leaders. As part of that programming NeW hosts interviews

Congresswoman-Elect Jen Kiggans Shares Why She Decided to Run for Congress
The Network of enlightened Women is proud of our mission to educate young women on the conservative leaders in our nation. We do this by