NeW Empowers Women to Grow Professionally During Professional Development Week

Earlier this month, NeW hosted its 2022 Professional Development Week for the women in its college and young professional networks. Members were able to sign up for one-on-one mentoring sessions and attend virtual programming on various topics aimed to help them grow professionally in the workplace. During the sessions, women asked questions and received personal feedback and advice from the guest speakers.

NeW kicked off the week by hosting a Resume and LinkedIn Workshop with special guest Stephanie Keaveney, Network Engagement Manager at Talent Market. Attendees learned how to make their resume and LinkedIn accounts stand out while on the job hunt. Keaveney discussed ways to make a resume stand out through the wording, template, and formatting. She also gave advice on how to create a professional LinkedIn account and discussed etiquette for reaching out to other professionals through LinkedIn.

On Tuesday, NeW hosted a panel called “Making the Most of Your Internship” with special guests Colleen Harmon, Director of the Young Leaders Program at The Heritage Foundation, and Morgan Rako, Chief Operating Officer for College to Congress. During this session, they covered the ins-and-outs of successful internships. They reviewed ways to stand out during your time as an intern and how to make the most of every opportunity. They also gave advice on how to network and build relationships professionally that may develop into mentor relationships after the internship is finished.

NeW hosted Patricia Rausch, Vice President of Member Programs at the National Association of Wholesale Distributors, on Wednesday for a discussion on “Workplace Etiquette in a Post-COVID World.” This session was helpful for members who might be headed back to the office soon or have just transitioned back. She gave insight into how to present yourself more professionally both through one’s attire and also one’s workspace. Rausch also gave the attendees tips on email etiquette and finding the right mentor. Through this session, women learned how to create the best work environment to maximize productivity and success.

For the last session of the week, Kristin Underwood, Director of Marketing and Communications for The Fund for American Studies, shared her advice on taking care and avoiding burnout. She discussed the importance of advocating for yourself and creating healthy, professional boundaries post-COVID. Underwood spoke about creating balance, learning to take a break for our mental and physical health, and setting boundaries that are clear in both our work and personal lives. Underwood gave great insight by encouraging the women to “know your worth,” and telling the women to be truly confident in who they are.

Thank you to all who participated, and to our guest speakers for helping to make this week a success!

This blog was written by Adelyn Spikes, NeW Recruitment Associate. Want more advice on how to prepare yourself professionally? Sign up as a member today and reach out to one of our team members to discuss your professional goals.



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