Netflix Hits to Empower You During Social Distancing

We understand this time is a difficult for many of you as you are adjusting to living and working from home for hours on end. You are no longer able to visit the mall, go to the movie theater, or hang out with friends. And this tragically happened so quickly. You now may be spending your free time catching up on your favorite Netflix show or watching new movies that are being released.   

If you’re looking for something inspirational or just want to learn more about some amazing women, we put together a list of some great Netflix options you may be interested in to pass the time.  

The Iron Lady 

Meryl Streep plays Margaret Thatcher in The Iron Lady. Her iconic and award-winning performance will leave you wanting to know more about Thatcher’s life after Parliament. The film takes you through her accomplishments in a series of flashbacks that revealed her fighting spirit and drive for change. Thatcher has to battle her ghosts of the past to find peace at the end of her life. Her ability to overcome these obstacles is truly inspiring.  

Miss Virginia 

Miss Virginia is an emotional drama about a mother who is worried about her son’s future. The inner city is constantly pulling him toward bad decisions. When Virginia can’t afford to send him to a private school, she takes the fight to Congress. She stops at nothing to help the children of her community find a better life.  


This 4-part mini-series reflects on the life of Madam C.J. Walker, the first female self-made millionaire in America. This show gives you a glimpse into the trials and triumphs Walker experienced as she started and grew her hair care enterprise. After watching this show, you will be inspired to dream big.  


Be warned that this film is very sad and depressing. However, it gives viewers a glimpse into some of the greatest sacrifices women in the suffrage movement experienced as they fought for the women’s right to vote. This film is based on the suffrage movement in England, but historically this movement took place at the same time as the movement in America.  


Other movies about inspirational women to watch*: 

Hidden Figures – a film about the women that helped put a man in space 

The Post – watch as the first female publisher of a major American newspaper makes a decision that could make or break her paper, the Washington Post. 

The Bletchley Circle – a mini-series about a group of British female code breakers who served during World War II 

 *These movies and shows are not free.  


Inauguration Day marks the beginning of a new chapter for American politics and sets the tone for the next four years. However, beyond this day


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