NeW Member Portal

Get access to several of your exclusive membership benefits here.

We are thrilled you chose to become a member of NeW. To get the most out of your membership, be sure to get connected with a chapter on your campus or in your city.

Some of the great benefits you get with your membership include:

  • Connecting with influential women leaders and like-minded peers across the country.
  • Receiving invitations to exclusive member-only events throughout the year.
  • Being the first to hear about NeW announcements.
  • Developing your professional skills through mentorships with NeW alumna and inspiring women in the conservative movement.

Don’t miss out on hearing about everything NeW has to offer. Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn

“NeW is important to me because it made me feel welcomed on a college campus that was all too hostile towards my beliefs.” 

Jessica Costescu, NeW at Georgetown University


“Without NeW, I would not have been prepared for my professional experiences in our nation’s capital.”

– Jacqueline Kilcommons, NeW at The Catholic University of America


“NeW has given me the confidence and support to go out into the world and my future career as a strong conservative woman who is not afraid to stand up for the values that are most important to me.”

Maura Schlee, NeW at The Catholic University of America

Member Content

Professional Development Resources

NeW offers our members exclusive resources such as these tools to help you professionally. Keep checking back for more content added regularly.

Professional Resume Template

Writing Workshop with Jordan Davidson, staff writer for The Federalist

10 Ways to Ace Your Next Interview


Stand out as a Network of enlightened Women member on LinkedIn with this official banner for your profile:

Financial Wellness

During Financial Wellness Week, we hosted a series of events to help young women grow in knowledge of personal finance and conservative principles. If you were unable to attend, we are pleased to offer our members exclusive access to the presentation portion of these events. We hope you enjoy!

Economic Literacy for Women: Understanding Conservative Policy and How it Affects Your Pocketbook with Hadley Heath Manning

Hadley Heath Manning is Executive Vice President at The Steamboat Institute. As part of the leadership team, she oversees the organization’s strategic vision, programs and content. Hadley has also been a Tony Blankley Fellow with The Steamboat Institute since 2016.

Previously, Hadley worked at Independent Women’s Forum and Independent Women’s Voice for 15 years. As Vice President for Policy, she managed IWF’s and IWV’s policy department and fellowship programs, overseeing the policy positions and outputs of the organizations.

Hadley appears frequently in radio and TV outlets across the country. Her work has been featured in publications including the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, POLITICO, Roll Call, Real Clear Policy, National Review and more.

In 2016, Hadley was named to Forbes’ 30 Under 30 list in Law and Policy. In 2015, the Republican National Committee honored Hadley as a Rising Star, and in 2014, she was named to the Red Alert Politics 30 Under 30 list. Hadley has also completed the National Review Institute’s Washington Fellowship, class of 2012-2013.

Hadley graduated with distinction from the University of North Carolina in 2010 as a Morehead-Cain Scholar with a double major in economics and journalism. She now lives in Denver, Colorado, with her husband and children.

Entrepreneurship, Small Business Finance, and the Importance of Free Markets with Anne Canfield

Prior to joining The Majority Group as a partner, Anne Canfield was a partner at Michael Best Strategies, heading up the firm’s Financial Services and Community Development advocacy practice in Washington, D.C. Anne was also a member of Michael Best & Friedrich’s Blockchain + the law and industry and technology teams. At Michael Best Strategies, Anne provided strategic planning, policy advice, and representational services to major corporations on federal and state legislative and regulatory issues. In addition, she was heavily involved in the tax and trade, healthcare, infrastructure, budget policy, and technology issue areas. Anne specialized in identifying changing government policies and then finding sustainable and profitable outcomes for her clients, often developing creative product solutions to help meet her clients’ needs, along with the needs of the customers they serve, consumers, and the communities in which they live. 
Prior to joining, MBS in September 2017, Anne was president of Canfield & Associates, Inc., a firm she formed in 1996. While President of Canfield & Associates, Inc, she formed and managed major trade associations, including the Consumer Mortgage Coalition and the Rx Benefits Coalition, along with representing individual corporate clients in the financial services, healthcare, and technology industries. 
Earlier in her career, she was a senior executive at GE/GE Capital, where she developed and implemented corporate policy and legislative and regulatory strategies both domestically and abroad. While at GE Capital, she was instrumental in working to reposition the company to anticipate and take advantage of governments’ changing policies. 
She also had over 11 years of experience on Capitol Hill where she worked for senior Members of the House and Senate, including being the Senate Finance Committee tax aide to a Member of the Senate Finance Committee. 

Member E-Books

Learn about the programs NeW offers for students and young professionals and how you can get involved.

Student Member Benefits E-Book

Young Professional Member Benefits E-Book

Enlightened Ink

Get your NeW Swag

NeW members are eligible for exclusive discounts and coupon codes on NeW gear. Use the code NeWMember to receive 20% off NeW merchandise in the Store. Includes everything but annual membership fees.


Job and Internship Postings

Learn about job and internship opportunities that might be of interest here.

The Heritage Foundation Job Bank
Leadership Institute’s Conservative Jobs Bank
TalentMarket Job Board
Young Americans for Liberty Job Board
NeW Career Opportunities & Internships

Not finding something here? Let us know and we would be happy to talk with you and discuss ways we can help you in your search.

Leadership Resources

Whether you just started a chapter or have been a part of NeW for years, our Leadership Resources Page helps chapters stay organized by keeping important documents in one location. Find what you and your chapter members need this semester below.

NeW Annual Events

As a Member of NeW, we are pleased to invite you to the following events. We provide scholarships for members to most of these programs. Inquire today about getting a scholarship to attend one of these upcoming events.

CPAC—During the Conservative Political Action Conference, held in Washington, DC, NeW hosts a gathering for conservative women to network and meet like-minded women and leading women in the conservative movement. This is an opportunity for conservatives from all over the country to meet some amazing conservative women, NeW members, and fellow friends of liberty.

Capitol Hill Intern Summit – Young women who are interning in DC are able to join NeW for lunch and an afternoon of professional development training, policy discussions, and the chance to meet with female leaders on Capitol Hill.

Leadership Retreat—This annual event is exclusively for our college chapter leaders. Women from across the country get together for a weekend of networking, professional development trainings, and learning how to grow their chapters on campus. The Retreat has been held in places including: Atlanta, GA; Newport on the Levee, KY; Chattanooga, TN; Austin, TX; Boston, MA; and Washington, DC.

Anniversary Reception—Every September, NeW celebrates its Anniversary by hosting an Anniversary Reception in Washington, DC for college and professional women in the area.

Other Exclusive Events—Each year, special, exclusive events are made available to our members. From book clubs with famous authors to professional development trainings, you don’t want to miss out!

Recruitment Ideas

Looking for new ideas on how to recruit women to join your NeW chapter? Here are 10 ideas for how to get the word out on campus.

Have a Question or Request?

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or requests for NeW. You can reach us at and someone from our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

Young Professionals with Senator Marsha Blackburn at the NeW 20th Anniversary Gala
NeW Leadership Retreat 2024 in Boston, Massachusetts
NeW Leaders with Mary Margaret Olohan
Spring Capitol Hill Intern Summit 2024
CPAC 2024
NeW Leaders with Riley Gaines
NeW 19th Anniversary Celebration
NeW Leadership Retreat 2023 in Washington, DC
YWLS 2023
NeW 18th Anniversary Celebration
NeW Leadership Retreat 2022 in Austin, Texas
NeW Leaders Host Virginia Lt. Governor Winsome Sears
NeW 17th Anniversary Celebration
NeW Leadership Retreat 2021 in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
NeW Leaders with Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers at our 15th Anniversary Celebration
NeW Leaders with Mary Katharine Ham
CPAC 2021
NeW Leadership Retreat 2020 in Cincinnati, Ohio
Women EmPower Hour at CPAC 2020
CPAC 2020
NeW Leaders and Young Professionals with Congresswoman Kat Cammack
Anita McBride and Karin Lips at the NeW Capitol Hill Intern Summit
NeW Leaders with Congresswoman Barbara Comstock

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