Conservative Women Are Encouraged To Pursue Their Dreams At The NeW Leadership Retreat

After a long and exciting day of learning about professional development, the benefits of conservative policies for women, and how to strengthen their NeW chapters on campus, NeW chapter leaders at the 2022 Leadership Retreat in Austin, Texas were delighted to round out their day hearing from keynote speaker, Allie Beth Stuckey. Allie Beth Stuckey, author of You’re Not Enough (& That’s Okay): Escaping the Toxic Culture of Self-Love and host of the “Relatable” podcast, is a wife, mom, and born-and-raised Texan. Stuckey’s speech reflected her passion for helping women build their worldviews upon the truth of God’s Word. She touched on the start of her career and how she got to where she is today, explained how corporate America’s influence is growing dangerous, and detailed how conservative women can effectively stand strong in their beliefs to combat prominent political extremism.

Stuckey explained that her career began with her not being afraid to take risks and put herself out there (“and the power of the holy spirit and grace of God”). After working a full-time job in public relations for some time, Stuckey realized that she was not actively doing anything to make her dreams of working in politics and media and speaking in front of others a reality. “I wanted to be like Megyn Kelly,” she shared, but she realized that an opportunity to do that wouldn’t simply fall into her lap. The 2015 presidential primary sparked Stuckey into action: she started small by posting videos on Facebook and speaking to young women in sororities before quickly making it big with a job as a contributor at The Blaze and frequent appearances on Fox News. Her journey is a prime example of finding your purpose at the intersection of your skills and your passion. Stuckey called on the NeW chapter leaders to use their God-given gifts, work hard to cultivate opportunities for themselves, and find a purpose that brings them joy and fulfillment.

“The moral, political, and sexual revolution of the left has not always been this intense and fast-moving – we are at a tipping point,” Stuckey said. She believes the pendulum can swing back, but not without a persistent, courageous push that requires not just conservatives, but the right conservatives in political office. She also reminded the audience that “all tyranny, whether it comes from corporate America or the Government, is oppressive” and that corporations like Disney, Twitter, Facebook, PayPal, and Amazon “are not beholden to our dollar; they are beholden to a higher system.”

Stuckey ended on an encouraging note by reminding everyone that there are real people at the center of the issues we are advocating for. She encourages young conservative women to “raise a respectful, relentless ruckus for the things that matter.” Stuckey reminded everyone that we may not see the positive consequences of our courageous actions for decades, but that doesn’t make a fight less worthy of fighting. “It is the younger generations who are going to be the determining force in our country,” she said, inspiring the young women captivated by her speech in the audience. Stuckey wrapped up her time with the NeW chapter leaders with a generous book signing and photo opportunity.

This blog was written by Abby Daniels, NeW alumna.


Hadley Heath Manning on Economic Policy

NeW recently hosted a webinar with Hadley Heath Manning, Vice President of Policy at the Independent Women’s Forum and a Forbes 30 Under 30 honoree.


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