NeW Opens Search To Find The “2022 Gentleman of the Year”

Know a young gentleman in your life who acts with honesty, integrity, and respect? Does he put others before himself, stand by his values, and advocate for positive change? That was 2021 Gentleman of the Year Reese Dickerhoff from College of Charleston. Dickerhoff, a Political Science and History major, nominated by his friend, Jordan Mercer, […]

NeW at Mercer University Learns Firsthand About Perils of Socialism from Asylum Seeker

NeW at Mercer University hosted a speaker event titled “Socialism: My Story… Your Future?” on October 25, 2021. During the event, the 45 attendees heard from Andres Guillarte, an asylum seeker from Venezuela, where the economy has crumbled under a socialist regime. Guillarte shared with the women his experiences living in the country before fleeing to […]

NeW at Georgetown University Gets Creative with Christmas Cookie Decorating Contest

NeW at Georgetown University got into the Christmas spirit with a holiday cookie decorating contest. The chapter held its last event of the fall semester on November 29, 2021. The ladies used cookie kits to decorate an array of sweet treats. The attendees also distributed NeW swag to other members, and everyone had a blast counting […]

NeW at Christendom College Discusses the ‘Lies of the Left’ with Cabot Phillips

NeW at Christendom College hosted a speaker event on November 20, 2021, during which chapter members heard from Cabot Phillips, editor, writer and commentator for The Daily Wire. During the engagement, Phillips gave a speech called the “Lies of the Left” and answered questions from the audience for 30 minutes. The chapter provided brunch for […]

NeW at Oakland University Gets Professional Advice at Virtual Speaker Event

NeW at Oakland University received professional tips and tricks during a virtual speaker event hosted by the chapter on November 4, 2021. Fourteen members attended the event with Emma Grimes, author of Good To Great – How To Pursue Greatness Through Branding and Self-Marketing. The former Miss America contestant talked about confidence, interviewing, and self-marketing […]

NeW at Grand Canyon University Enjoys Dancing and Good Company at Chapter Fundraiser

New at Grand Canyon University showed off their dance moves during a fundraiser held by the chapter on November 5, 2021. The women from the chapter hosted a fundraiser at Scootin’ Boots dance hall giving their more than 200 friends and fellow students an opportunity to participate and learn new line and swing dance routines. […]

NeW at Catholic University and NeW at American University Host Morgan Viña

NeW at Catholic University and NeW at American University co-hosted a speaker event featuring Morgan Viña, Vice President of Government Affairs at the Jewish Institute for National Security of America and former Chief of Staff to former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, on November 1, 2021. Viña spoke to 25 members of the two chapters about […]
