2018 Chapter Award Nominees: Event of the Year- George Washington University
2018 Chapter Award Nominees: Event of the Year- Florida Gulf Coast University
Chelsea Patterson Visits SUNY New Paltz
Written By: Gabrielle Albrecht “Chelsea Patterson is coming to OUR school!” This was the thought that I had while jumping up and down after our chapter President, Clare told me who our guest speaker was going to be. I first found out about Chelsea when I found her on Instagram through a tag search for […]
Carly Fiorina Addresses NeW at AU
By Grayson Campo, President of NeW at American University “Leadership is not about a title, degree or level. Anybody can lead at any time.” The audience listened closely to Carly Fiorina’s words as she spoke about her leadership experience, perspective on politics today, and life advice to the students at American University. Kennedy Political Union […]
2018 National Conference Travel Scholarships Now Open
NeW is happy to announce that the travel scholarship application for the 2018 National Conference is now open! The 2018 NeW National Conference will be held June 21-23 in Washington, DC at the Allan P. Kirby, Jr. Center for Constitutional Studies and Citizenship! Featuring a keynote conversation, multiple panel discussions, and one-on-one interviews, the NeW […]
NeW at AU Hosts First Annual Panel and Reception
On Wednesday, January 24, we hosted our first annual Conservative Panel and Networking Reception event in collaboration with the American University College Republicans. Our panel included Laura Bush’s Former Chief of Staff, a Hill staffer, a Washington Examiner Columnist Writer, and the Dean of American University’s School of Public Affairs just to name a few. […]
“How to Spot a Gentleman”
The complete guide to gentleman hunting By Meg McEwen, NeW intern Occasionally, it’s easy to spot a gentleman. Some gentlemen live so counterculturally that they emit nearly visible waves of chivalry; their actions practically shout, “I’m a nice guy!” They can be counted on in a pinch, and they frequently become the topic of conversation […]