2018 National Conference Travel Scholarships Now Open

NeW is happy to announce that the travel scholarship application for the 2018 National Conference is now open!

The 2018 NeW National Conference will be held June 21-23 in Washington, DC at the Allan P. Kirby, Jr. Center for Constitutional Studies and Citizenship! Featuring a keynote conversation, multiple panel discussions, and one-on-one interviews, the NeW National Conference provides young women with an opportunity to learn about public policy from businesswomen, politicians, and authors. Attendees interested in a travel scholarship, must apply using this link. Applications are due on Tuesday, April 2, 2018, but are processed on a rolling basis. NeW membership is required.

See the full list of speakers as they are announced on our National Conference page. Contact alyssa@enlightenedwomen.org with any questions.


Is Campus Intolerence Good for Conservatives?

Princeton Professor Lauren A. Wright argues that conservative students benefit from the lack of intellectual diversity on college campuses in a recent article. She writes, “Conservative students, rather


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