Young Women Organize To Advocate For Conservative Ideas

CONTACT: Kathryn Alford, Communications Manager

September 23, 2021


WASHINGTON, DC — Liberal women may get more attention, but a movement for conservative women is growing. This September, the Network of enlightened Women, known as NeW, is celebrating its 17th anniversary as the nation’s premier organization for conservative women. NeW has grown from a small group of women at the University of Virginia meeting for the first time on September 29, 2004, to a national organization with more than 1,500 women involved annually.

To honor this occasion, NeW chapters are hosting recruiting events throughout the country. In Washington, DC, the NeW Professional Network chapter is hosting an Anniversary Celebration at The Heritage Foundation. This event will bring together students from NeW chapters, young professionals involved in the NeW Professional Network, and friends of NeW. During the celebration, NeW is proud to feature Adeline Sandridge, Communications Director for Congresswoman Kat Cammack and a NeW alumna, as well as honor Congresswoman Kat Cammack as the 2021 Empowered Woman of the Year. Congresswoman Cammack will present the keynote address during the celebration.

“As the youngest Republican woman in Congress, I can say with certainty that we need more young conservative women in leadership,” Congresswoman Cammack said. “I’m so proud to recognize NeW’s anniversary, celebrating 17 years of training the best and brightest. Congrats, Karin and the NeW Team for your hard work in making this organization the premier campus organization for conservative women.” 

NeW educates, equips, and empowers women to be principled leaders for a free society. This is accomplished through more than 50 college and young professional chapters across the country; national events including the NeW National Conference, Leadership Retreat, and The Gentlemen Showcase; as well as professional development opportunities including the NeW Student Media Fellowship, Professional Development Week, and book clubs with distinguished authors.

NeW is a proud leader in entrepreneurial, empowering programming that introduces students to inspirational conservative female leaders. Some of the many women who have spoken at NeW events include Senator Joni Ernst; Senator Marsha Blackburn; Congresswoman Elise Stefanik; Judge Neomi Rao, United States Circuit Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit; Kellyanne Conway, former counselor to President Donald J. Trump; Dana Perino, Fox News Host; Katie Pavlich, Fox News Contributor; and Mary Katharine Ham, CNN Contributor.

NeW Alumnae have gone on to have successful careers in the private and public sector, including the White House, Capitol Hill, Fox News, The Heritage Foundation, AEI, top consulting firms, and Wall Street.

I started NeW to create a community of conservative women who would support and encourage one another to bring intellectual diversity back to college campuses. It has been a tremendous privilege to work with conservative college women and support them over the last 17 years,” said Karin Lips, President and Founder of NeW.

Read about the impact of NeW from the women involved:

“NeW has impacted me immensely by showing me that I am not alone. Being a conservative woman on a college campus can feel isolating and scary. I’ve had ‘friends’ make fun of me, stop talking to me, or mock me for being conservative. At every step, NeW was there to remind me that there are other supportive women who align with my morals and beliefs. This understanding will help me immensely throughout my career and personal life.” Morgan England, NeW at Cornell University

“NeW is important because it specifically targets conservative women, and in today’s political climate, being a woman and conservative is considered ‘horrific,’ especially on liberal campuses. It’s important to bring NeW to campuses such as Boston University because it allows for inclusivity and support for those who feel they are lacking in those areas in friend groups, classes, other clubs, etc.” Maya Fontaine, NeW at Boston University

Without NeW, I would have continued to allow liberal views to dominate my life and wouldn’t have stood up or recognized that it’s okay for me to not share those views as a woman. I can believe in my own views and still be proud of myself and be a strong woman. I shouldn’t have to minimize myself to make others feel comfortable when they can’t accept differing views and beliefs. Having a network of women, like me, in this respect has been instrumental in my perspective of myself as well as others. NeW truly helps women be strong, more well-rounded versions of themselves.” Caitlin Engle, NeW at the University of Cincinnati

For any media interested in attending or interviewing Karin Lips or other NeW leaders about NeW, please contact Kathryn Alford, Communications Manager for the Network of enlightened Women, at


The Network of Enlightened Women educates, equips, and empowers women to be principled leaders for a free society.


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