Women’s Organization Provides Online Alternative for Conservative Women

CONTACT: Kathryn Alford, Communications Manager

April 27, 2020


WASHINGTON, DC — The COVID-19 pandemic has taken the world by storm. In early March, college campuses started to close down, send their students home, and move classes online. The Left has already begun to leverage this to get their liberal agenda across, using platforms such as Instagram Live to advance their cause strategically. From a discussion between U.S. soccer star Megan Rapinoe and U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on the COVID-19 stimulus package to former Presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren touting how she could have better protected America from this pandemic, liberals are effectively reaching young Americans.

The Network of enlightened Women, known as NeW, is providing an alternative for young women by advancing the ideals of freedom and liberty through online programming. This women’s organization is countering the leftist narrative through Facebook Live webinars on topics such as Equal Pay Day with Romina Boccia from The Heritage Foundation and occupational licensing reform with Shoshana Weissmann from R Street Institute. NeW will be holding a discussion with Christina Sandefur, Executive Vice President at the Goldwater Institute, on government red tape in the medical industry during coronavirus on Thursday, April 30.

Young people are also worried about their job prospects. NeW is providing young women with empowering content about how they can continue to grow professionally during this time of social distancing and position themselves for jobs. On April 14, NeW partnered with The Heritage Foundation to share job searching and professional development advice that students and young professionals can use during COVID-19. Tomorrow, NeW will be hosting Kassy Dillon, founder of Lone Conservative, for a conversation on How to Use Social Media to Advance Conservative Principles.

“During this critical time, many young people are questioning the role of government and the best policies for ensuring America’s strong recovery. Now more than ever we need sound arguments for conservative ideas that make the case for individual freedom, personal responsibility, and a limited role for government. NeW is providing an intellectual home for young women,” shared Karin Lips, President of NeW.

NeW educates, equips, and empowers women to be leaders for a free society.

For any media interested in attending one of NeW’s upcoming online events, please contact Kathryn Alford, Communications Manager for NeW, at kathryn@enlightenedwomen.org or 571-310-5388.


NeW is the nation’s premier organization for conservative and independent-minded young women. NeW educates young women on conservative principles, cultivates a community in which to discuss and strengthen these ideas, and emboldens them to speak out on campus and in their communities.


Is Campus Intolerence Good for Conservatives?

Princeton Professor Lauren A. Wright argues that conservative students benefit from the lack of intellectual diversity on college campuses in a recent article. She writes, “Conservative students, rather


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