Women’s Organization Celebrates 16 Years of Empowering Women

CONTACT: Kathryn Alford, Communications Manager

September 29, 2020


WASHINGTON, DC — The Network of enlightened Women (NeW) is celebrating its 16th anniversary as the nation’s premier network for conservative young women this month. Since the first NeW meeting on September 29, 2004, NeW has grown to more than 30 campuses across the country with more than 1,000 women involved each year in programs from our college and young professional chapters to our National Conference and CPAC EmPower Hour Dessert Party.

NeW is a proud leader in entrepreneurial, empowering programming. Through a published book entitled, She’s Conservative: Stories of Trials and Triumphs on America’s College Campuses; positive press from mainstream media including Glamour, Cosmopolitan, and CBS News; and national social media campaigns #ShesConservative and #ConservativeWomenVote, the work NeW is doing is reaching thousands of people.

“It has been a true privilege to work with so many inspiring women who are not afraid to stand strong for their conservative beliefs. I started NeW because I wanted to find a community of women that I could discuss important issues with and encourage the intellectual diversity I noticed was lacking on campus. I look forward to seeing another 16 years (and more) of NeW empowering conservative women,” said Karin Lips, President and Founder of NeW.

Read about the impact of NeW from the women involved:

“I believe that NeW is important because campuses are the unsung battlegrounds for the fight to save America and preserving our founding principles and our Constitution. The left thrives on belittling women and making them feel like they have to be victims to succeed, whereas I think conservatives empower women to preserve the country and uplift women. There is no shame in being a conservative woman and I don’t think the left is right in telling us that we’re victims for anything we believe.” – Gabby Reichardt, NeW at Colorado State University

“Throughout my experience with NeW, I have been given the opportunity to empower and mentor other young conservative women through founding and serving as President of NeW at College of Charleston. NeW helped me find confidence in my conservative views, as well as my passion and motivation to lead others.” – Charlotte Townsend, NeW at College of Charleston

“The Network of enlightened Women has become such an important part of my college career. I have had incredible experiences and gained knowledge and skills that will help me in life and my future career. I will always appreciate the confidence I have gained and the friendships NeW has given me.” – Alexis Whiteford, NeW at Baylor University

For any media interested in interviewing Karin Lips or other NeW leaders about NeW and the 16th Anniversary, please contact Kathryn Alford, Communications Manager for the Network of enlightened Women, at kathryn@enlightenedwomen.org or 571-310-5388.


NeW is the nation’s premier organization for conservative and independent-minded young women. NeW educates young women on conservative principles, cultivates a community in which to discuss and strengthen these ideas, and emboldens them to speak out on campus and in their communities.


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