Sarah Dezelin

University of Connecticut

Our country was founded on ideas of freedom, hard work, and patriotism. I believe in freedom of the individual, the freedom of self protection, and the freedom from a large, overbearing and controlling central government. Even though my beliefs and way of life represent things everyone should agree with or respect, I am not treated as an equal. The moment I reveal I am a conservative, the mostly liberal people that surround me bombard me with hatred and disbelief. This is, of course, because conservatives are largely unrepresented in the media and oftentimes our real beliefs are clouded by misinterpretation and blind abhorrence. Regardless, I am not discouraged, and I do not stray from what I believe is right to appease the masses. Like the people who founded our country, I remain strong in adversity. Like my peers, I will continue to practice free speech. As my ancestors did, I will stand by my country and work with purpose and strong will. I am an American, I am a patriot, and I am a conservative.


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