Congratulations to our graduating seniors, and thank you for your work with NeW! We are pleased to spotlight some of our outstanding chapter leaders and members. 

Meet Tess Weinandy, Chief of Staff of NeW at Xavier University. 

What were some of your favorite events that you participated in with NeW? 

My two favorites were hosting our guest speaker, Kacey Crane, and watching the Republican Debate with our club. 

What are your plans after graduation? 

I have accepted a RN position on a step-down telemetry unit at Good Samaritan Hospital in Cincinnati. 

What advice would you give to a conservative woman starting college? 

Be confident in yourself! Don’t be afraid to stand up for your beliefs, especially to professors. 

How has NeW impacted you and prepared you for your next steps? 

NeW has taught me that there are always other women out there that have the same mindset as you. Do not suppress your opinions because you are afraid of someone else’s reaction. More often than not, there is someone else in the room that agrees with you. 

Why is NeW important to you? 

NeW is important to me because it allows a safe space for women to talk about our conservative values. Being on a liberal college campus, there are a multitude of different opinions and conservative values are not always met with the most respect. NeW teaches to show respect to others with different opinions and to always have an open mindset. 

The Network of enlightened Women (NeW) provides premier opportunities for young conservative women like Tess. Learn how to bring a Chapter of NeW to your campus today! 
