Senior Spotlight: Maggie Horzempa, NeW at UNC Chapel Hill

This spring, we continue to highlight some of our exceptional seniors and celebrate their upcoming graduation. Meet Maggie Horzempa, senior at UNC Chapel Hill.

Maggie is president of NeW at UNC Chapel Hill, interned with NeW through the summer and fall of 2018, and is a contributor to our new book She’s Conservative: Stories of Trials and Triumphs on America’s College Campuses.

What are your plans after graduation? 
I am planning on pursuing a job in government aid or the Conservative movement after I graduate!

What is one thing you have gained from NeW? 
One thing that I have gained from NeW is the opportunity to be a leader. Being the President of my UNC-CH NeW Chapter and learning from the inspiring women leaders that have come before me has been one of the most rewarding experience I have had in my four years of college. Leading a group of Conservative women on a Liberal college campus has given me the challenge and outlet I need to grow as a woman and as a Conservative!

What is your favorite part or memory of NeW? 
 My favorite part of NeW is the friendships I have built. I have met inspiring women Conservative women activists and fellow conservative college women from all over the U.S. and they have all taught me so much. I am much stronger and more confident woman because of my involvement with NeW. The opportunities I have had and the learning I have done through NeW have changed my life for the better!”  

What is one piece of advice you would give to conservative women starting college? 
My biggest piece of advice I would give conservative women starting college is to not stay silent. Be proud and be strong because other women out there believe the same things you do. Get involved with NeW and and stay true to who you are. Your voice MATTERS and don’t let those that don’t understand you drown you out.

The Network of enlightened Women provides amazing opportunities for young Conservative females. Learn how to bring a Chapter of NeW to your campus here and help others learn about what NeW stands for!


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