Senior Spotlight: Katelyn Kirby, NeW at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Congratulations to our graduating seniors and thank you for your work with NeW! We are pleased to spotlight some of our outstanding chapter leaders and members.

Meet Katelyn Kirby, Treasurer of NeW at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

What were some of your favorite events that you participated in with NeW?
I really enjoyed getting to know the other members of the executive board a little better and meeting new people that would be joining us throughout the semester at our chapter’s ice cream social event. Also, during ConSERVative month, we wrote letters to first responders, police, and other people who serve our community of Chapel Hill and Carrboro.

What are your plans after graduation?
I am going to work for a year and then go to graduate school for a degree in counseling.

What advice would you give to a conservative woman starting college?
Do not let professors or other people get into your head and try to sway your beliefs. You believe what you believe for a reason.

How has NeW impacted you and prepared you for your next steps?
NeW has really helped me learn to not hide my beliefs and stand up for what I believe in, which I believe is very important for aspects in life.

Why is NeW important to you?
NeW is important to me because it gave me a community of women who are like-minded like me. Even though, we are definitely in the minority at a predominantly liberal school, we are able to help and be there for each other.

The Network of enlightened Women (NeW) provides premier opportunities for young conservative women like Katelyn. Learn how to bring a Chapter of NeW to your campus today!


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