Congratulations to our graduating seniors, and thank you for your work with NeW! We are pleased to spotlight some of our outstanding chapter leaders and members. 

Meet Emily Maslowski, NeW National Liaison of NeW at Xavier University. 

What were some of your favorite events that you participated in with NeW? 

Our first meeting of the semester our chapter met outside and had sandwiches. We were able to connect with all the girls who had interest from our club day and give them a more in-depth description of our chapter and the national chapter. It was great to see so many new faces and reconnect with old ones! Our next meeting we met off campus and we had a bonfire and s’mores. The board members made PowerPoints about conservative topics which sparked conversation and discussion about political figures. It was so fun to hear different people’s perspectives! We had many other meetings this year that I enjoyed, including making flower bouquets, discussing presidential candidates, and even watching the debate together. 

What are your plans after graduation? 

I am going home to Wisconsin and am currently interviewing for nursing jobs there. 

What advice would you give to a conservative woman starting college? 

Don’t be afraid! There will always be people that don’t agree with you and that is okay. Respectfully stand your ground and don’t stray from your beliefs for someone else. 

How has NeW impacted you and prepared you for your next steps? 

I have really found my voice through NeW. I have gained the confidence to stand up for my beliefs and not let others walk all over me. 

Why is NeW important to you? 

NeW is an organization that should have a chapter at every university. It empowers women and gives them opportunities that they most likely do not have at that school. I have never met anyone in NeW that has bad things to say about it. At the end of the day, it is girls supporting girls. 

The Network of enlightened Women (NeW) provides premier opportunities for young conservative women like Emily. Learn how to bring a Chapter of NeW to your campus today! 
