Congratulations to our graduating seniors, and thank you for your work with NeW! We are pleased to spotlight some of our outstanding chapter leaders and members. 

Meet Delaney Ermshar, President of NeW at Pepperdine University. 

What were some of your favorite events that you participated in with NeW? 

CPAC – It was a great opportunity to travel and meet fellow NeW girls from all over the country. 

March movie night social – Our first major event blended creativity, relaxation, and community at the end of a long week. 

What are your plans after graduation?

After graduation I plan to take a couple months to travel, visit family and friends, and attend a few more conferences. Following that, I plan to use my gap year before law school to work. I am in the midst of solidifying a campaign to work on through the election. Then I hope to work on Capitol Hill until the fall. My end goal is to become a corporate or contract lawyer. 

What advice would you give to a conservative woman starting college? 

Don’t hide your true values and beliefs, even if they are deemed unpopular. You will find your crowd, even if it takes a little while. People with similar values tend to drift together over time. Additionally, if there’s something you believe is worth fighting for, never give up, push yourself, and work towards achieving whatever you are fighting for. 

How has NeW impacted you and prepared you for your next steps? 

NeW has provided me with the support to push my leadership skills to another level. It has allowed me the freedom to explore various paths all while having my back during situations where I have to continually fight for what I believe in, such as gaining NeW’s recognition on campus. Not only has NeW prepared me for my next steps by improving my leadership, it has also helped me grow my network, build professional development skills, and gain confidence in who I am and what I am capable of. The community of women surrounding me because of NeW will forever play an important role in my life and I couldn’t be more grateful for these connections. 

Why is NeW important to you? 

Bringing NeW to Pepperdine’s campus became a top priority for me this year. In trying to accomplish this, it revealed why NeW is so important to me. NeW gives me the opportunity to build a network and grow in my leadership, all while fostering connections with other likeminded women. It is somewhere I can truly be myself especially as a conservative woman. Finding NeW was a blessing and I cannot imagine not having found it during my college experience. 

The Network of enlightened Women (NeW) provides premier opportunities for young conservative women like Delaney. Learn how to bring a Chapter of NeW to your campus today! 
