Congratulations to our graduating seniors and thank you for your work with NeW! We are pleased to spotlight some of our outstanding chapter leaders and members. We will miss working with them on campus, but look forward to them joining our NeW Alumnae Network.

Today’s Spotlight is on Cassandra Pena, NeW member at American University. Cassandra plans to utilize her Political Science degree from American University in the workforce.
Q. What is one thing you have gained from NeW?
A. NeW has empowered me in so many ways. Most importantly in making me comfortable expressing my ideas in an outspoken and intelligent way.
Q. How did NeW shape your college experience?
A. NeW brought the most amazing independent women into my life and for that I will be eternally greatful.
Q. What is your favorite part of NeW? Your favorite memory?
A. The women that belong to this organization are everything. My favorite memories are from my time serving on the executive board at AU with my closest friends. The long nights and early mornings were always joyful
Q. What is one piece of advise you would give to other NeW members?
A. Enjoy every moment. The hard work you put into making your NeW chapter great will pay off. At the end of your college career you will look back at your accomplishments and be proud of the woman NeW has helped you become.