NeW at Dickinson College Throws Women’s History Month Celebration with College Democrats

In honor of Women’s History Month, NeW at Dickinson College promoted bipartisanship with an event on March 24, 2022.

The chapter co-hosted a movie night with the school’s College Democrats chapter. The women enjoyed treats from Panera Bread while they watched a movie and socialized with people on both sides of the aisle to promote civil discourse and respect.

“It was so encouraging to see the College Democrats and NeW laughing and socializing with one another at our movie night. It was the perfect way for people on both sides of the aisle to come together, promoting political diversity across campus, and bridging the divide between the parties,” Jordyn Ney, chapter president, said.

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12-time NCAA All-American swimmer Riley Gaines joined the Network of enlightened Women’s University of Cincinnati and Xavier University chapters to share her story. Gaines described


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