NeW Announces Winner of 2024 Essay Contest: Yara Elsayed

NeW is excited to announce the winner of the High School Category of the 2024 Essay Contest, Yara Elsayed, a student at Middle College High School. Congratulations, Yara! 

Read her winning piece here!

How did you hear about the 2024 NeW Essay Contest and why did you choose to participate in it?  

I found the 2024 NeW Essay Contest through personal research in a scholarship database. As a young woman passionate about conservative principles, I saw this scholarship as an opportunity not only to alleviate some of the financial burden of pursuing higher education but also to align myself with an organization that shares my beliefs.

What was your favorite part about writing this essay?  

My favorite part about writing this essay was being able to express my passion for intellectual diversity. As a student interested in politics and eager to eventually pursue Law, it is inevitable I will encounter endless diversity of opinions throughout my educational and professional future. Having the opportunity to articulate the importance of embracing diverse perspectives and my personal journey in discovering that was immensely satisfying.   

Why is NeW important?  

NeW is important because it offers a supportive and empowering environment for young women to embrace conservative principles, engage in intellectual discourse, and become influential leaders in their communities in a polarizing society. It provides opportunity to connect with women who are as passionate as I am, and learn from one another. 



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