This summer, former Chapter Leader at Emmanuel College and NeW alumna, Mia Steupert, participated in the Hertog Foundation Summer Fellowship. Learn more about her great experience and what she learned from the program.
How did you hear about the Hertog Foundation Fellowship? Why did you decide to apply and get involved?
I heard about the Hertog Foundation Fellowship through personal research for opportunities with conservative intellectual organizations. I decided to apply because I wanted to experience a different type of conservatism that I haven’t been exposed to through other political activities.
What was the highlight of being a summer fellow for the Hertog Foundation?
The highlight of being a summer fellow for the Hertog Foundation was being able to reaffirm my own beliefs and recognize where I land on the political spectrum inside the many factions of the conservative movement.
How did your experience as a leader for NeW prepare you for this fellowship?
My experience as a leader for NeW prepared me for this fellowship because my time as the President of NeW at Emmanuel made me realize that not all conservatives hold the same beliefs, policy-wise and politically, so it made me prepared to listen to a variety of different perspectives inside the conservative movement.
What advice would you give other conservative women interested in professional development opportunities, such as a fellowship with the Hertog Foundation?
Take full advantage of every opportunity that comes your way and go all in no matter what program or opportunity it is; every opportunity will help you in some way if you give it your all and truly learn from the experience.