College Chapters

Join the nation’s leading network for conservative women on campus. NeW provides a community for conservative women to come together to learn, grow, and encourage each other as like-minded women. Each chapter hosts a variety of informative and fun events including: policy discussions, professional development trainings, reading groups, networking events, social activities, and service projects. NeW helps you grow your skills, train to be a leader, and position yourself for a successful career.

Why Join?

Community – Join like-minded women on your campus to build a positive community and have fun.

Leadership – Strengthen your resume through leadership and educational opportunities.

Networking – Grow and diversify your network by connecting with influential women leaders and peers across the country.

Professional Development – Sharpen your skills through professional development trainings and workshops.

Intellectual Diversity – Deepen your knowledge of policy and current events through informative discussions, debates, and events.

Exclusive Opportunities – Gain access to exclusive opportunities including internships, fellowships, op-ed writing, media access, and more.

Scholarships – Qualify for scholarships to top conservative events including CPAC, National Conference, and the NeW Leadership Retreat.

NeW would love to expand to YOUR campus! Fill out our Prospective NeW Chapter Form to learn how to start a chapter of your own.

Active Chapters

American University | Auburn University | Austin College | Baylor University | Boston College | California State University, Fresno | The Catholic University of America | Cedarville University | Christendom College | Clemson University | Colorado Christian University | Cornell University | Florida International University | Florida State University | George Washington University | Georgetown University | Grand Canyon University | Harvard University | Indiana University | James Madison University | Liberty University | Loyola University Chicago | North Carolina State University | Oakland University | Purdue University | Radford University | Sam Houston State University | Samford University | Southern Methodist University | Texas A&M University | Texas Christian University | Texas State University | Texas Tech University | Towson University | University of Alabama | University of Arizona | University of California, Los Angeles | University of Cincinnati | University of Delaware | University of Florida | University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign | University of Kansas | University of Montana | University of Nebraska Lincoln | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | University of Notre Dame | University of Oklahoma | University of South Carolina | University of South Florida | University of Tampa | University of Texas, Austin | University of Virginia | Virginia Tech | West Virginia University | William Paterson University | Winthrop University | Xavier University

Note that this list is not exhaustive and changes as we find new leaders.

If you would like to start or join a chapter, please email or fill out our Prospective NeW Chapter Form.

Already a leader? Visit our Leadership Resources page for helpful tools to run your chapter.

Leader Spotlights & Campus Events

Meet some of our incredible chapters and how they are making a difference on their campuses. Read More >

Our chapters are making a difference on their campuses through providing community for conservative women and encouraging intellectual diversity. Read more about the great events our chapters are hosting.

Read More >

We are so proud of our senior members across the NeW network. Read our “Senior Spotlights” to learn more about them!

Read More >


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