Intern Spotlight: Holly Tkach

Meet Holly Tkach, our fall Communications Intern! Holly is a senior at Baylor University. 

Q: How did you hear about NeW?  

When I was looking at colleges, I came across a YouTube video from Haika Rose. She was talking about NeW, and I knew that I wanted to join a chapter.

Q: Why is NeW important?  

NeW gives a place for conservative women to bond together on campus, and it connects you to other conservative women across the United States.

Q: What is the most important conservative issue in your opinion?  

Pro-family and faith legislation is the most important conservative issue. Both of them are also very broad, but as conservatives, we need to fight to keep families successful and to be able to share our faith.  

Q: If you could offer advice to college students, what would it be?  

Do not conform to what is popular just to be liked. Hold yourself accountable to Jesus and no one else.

Q: Why were you interested in interning for NeW?  

I have never had an internship in communications in the non-profit world. I want to learn as much as I can.

Q: What do you hope to gain from your internship?  

I am interested in opinion piece writing and honestly anything in the communications field that will give me new experiences.



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