Scott is one of those rare people who are simultaneously confident, full of big dreams, and humble and servant-minded. He manages to combine the Aristotelian virtue of magnanimity (always pushing himself to be better and dream bigger) with the Christian virtue of humility (striving to honor and lift up others) into what I believe is a truly gentlemanly attitude towards himself and others. Scott studied history at Hillsdale College, and continues to strive to cultivate a historical sensibility so that he can understand current events without being swept up in fads or ideological trends. He works to cultivate what he calls “rigorous leisure,” where in his free time he attends classes, listens to lectures or fine music, and reads books that challenge him to think more broadly about the world. Scott currently works for one of the top real estate brokerages in Arizona, where he seeks every day to serve his clients to the best of his ability. His goal in his job is to support his family and make it possible for his wife to stay home with their baby (her dream), by bringing beauty and value into the lives of his clients and helping them to achieve their home ownership dreams. Scott is attentive to the needs of others and quick to go out of his way to help others feel recognized and supported, from inviting a young couple who just moved to town over for dinner, to coming home from work and spending a few minutes tidying up around the house. One of the most gentlemanly things Scott does is not take things for granted; he says a sincere and heartfelt “thank you” almost every day for little things like a sandwich in his lunchbox or a piece of constructive advice from a team leader. Finally, Scott has made it a significant part of his life to cultivate a community where young men can learn from each other how to be gentlemen in a world that does not necessarily encourage them to think about these things. He formed a weekly men’s group that meets together to cook, read, discuss, tell jokes, and simply spend time together encouraging each other to aspire to the good, true, and beautiful. This group, called “Kirk after Work” (named after the political philosopher Russell Kirk), has met consistently for over three and a half years with few exceptions, and has included over 40 men during that time. Those men have gone on to attend (and be groomsmen in) each others’ weddings and the baptisms of each other’s children. In summary, Scott is a true gentleman who seeks to bring out the best in those around him, and pushes himself to be the best version of himself that he can be.