John Petrie is the epitome of a gentleman in every meaning of the word. I had the pleasure of meeting John in college through community service work, and we instantly became friends. His positive attitude and kindness sets the standard for all other collegiate gentlemen. As a sophomore at Penn State, John helped co-found the organization ServeState which has grown into one of Penn State’s most influential service and philanthropy based organizations on campus. John started a service initiative in State College, Pennsylvania called the Birthday Brigade. The Birthday Brigade delivers cupcakes, balloons, and cards to shut ins through Meals On Wheels. These elderly folk may have otherwise been forgotten if it hadn’t been for John’s efforts. John is currently a senior at Penn State studying Music Composition and is the current President of ServeState. I have the utmost confidence that John Petrie is not only worthy of the title of the most gentlemanly collegiate man in the country, but that he would also use this as a platform to encourage other college men to emulate such behavior.