Graham deserves the title because of the selfless way he seeks to impact his campus. Graham chose to join several groups on campus. Despite being in several groups, Graham commits his all to each group he joins. One of the groups Graham is involved in is Orientation Board, on which he is an executive member. This group seeks to help freshmen transition to the campus at the beginning of each year. Graham also participates in New Life, where he mentors kids in a detention center for troubled youth. For this group Graham acts as a clearance officer, as which he gathers 250 FBI, State Police and health department background clearances for New Life leaders. Graham is also helping our college President, President McNulty, organize a week long missions conference for students on campus. Graham also works as a mentor for our campus’ MENtorship program, for which he mentors and prays with one freshmen boy on campus. One of the clubs most dear to Graham’s heart is Grove City’s chapter of the International Justice Mission, of which he has been a member since his freshmen year.
After college, Graham hopes to make a positive impact on the Hill by being a Christ-like example in politics and working as an analyst for a non-profit think tank.