Chandler deserves to win this showcase because he is a dedicated leader who does not back away from tough challenges.

His leadership style is a unique one, where he makes every member of his team feel valued. During his campaign for CRNC Chairman, Chandler traveled the country and talked with College Republican leaders from coast to coast, integrating their ideas into his platform.

During his tenure as CRNC chair, I have seen Chandler display a style of servant leadship that is greatly needed at this time in our current political climate. He will take a call or email from anyone at just about any time of day or night and have a conversation with them to try and solve issues that arise throughout the CRNC in various Federations across the America.

Finally, as a devout Catholic, Chandler is a strong advocate for the pro-life cause. He has selected the Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center, 501(c)3, a Faith-based crisis pregnancy center in DC to be his charity of
choice for this contest.

For all these reasons, I believe that Chandler should win NeW’s 2018 Gentleman of the Year contest.
