This month, NeW caught up with the women from NeW at Baylor University in Waco, Texas. Learn about the great work these women are doing on campus from e-board members, Jamie LeVie, Jordan Davidson, and Alexis Whiteford.
What kind of impact has your chapter had on campus?
Jamie: Our chapter was chartered at time where the noise of conservative voices was seldom heard. Within the past year, along with NeW and other student organizations such as Young America’s Foundation and the Alexander Hamilton Society, our voices are increasingly being heard. Our chapter has impacted campus by providing a platform for conservative women while also encouraging female involvement in the budding campus action.
Jordan: Our chapter provides a good space for women to feel like their voices matter. We give women the opportunity to speak up and act on what they believe in a safe and balanced environment.
Alexis: Our chapter gives women on Baylor’s campus a voice to share and debate their ideas and beliefs. Our group is different from most organizations on campus because we focus on current events and policies, as well as, professional development. Members of NeW at Baylor are given the opportunity to discuss their beliefs while growing professionally.

What advice would you give other conservative women on college campuses?
Jamie: My advice would be to stand tall and don’t be afraid . Too often we minimize our beliefs or conservative rhetoric out of fear our peers won’t like or respect us anymore. I’ve even caught myself doing so, but I’ve realized that I know and value what I believe so why not just say so? I would encourage other conservative women to have the confidence to voice their beliefs—especially on social media where it can seem overly daunting.
Jordan: Don’t be afraid to stand up and speak about what you believe. There’s no shame in believing different than someone else. When one person has the courage to say something different, other people follow. You’re never completely alone. There are people out there who share similar beliefs and will value your opinions- you just have to find them.
Alexis: Be outgoing. Meet and talk to everyone you can because you don’t know who may be interested.
What has been your favorite experience since being a part of NeW?
Jamie: My favorite experience since joining NeW has been having the opportunity to travel to both Philadelphia and Atlanta for the NeW Leadership Retreat. I think it’s normal to feel isolated on each of our college campuses, but having the opportunity to all come together for a retreat and meet the other chapters across the country is inspiring. The connection and support that has resulted from these trips is immeasurable.
Jordan: I love that NeW provides me with the space to grow into the professional conservative woman that I want to be. With leadership opportunities such as serving on the executive board for my chapter and joining the Student Media Fellowship, I feel like I am well on my way to moving forward into the professional world as an equipped individual.
Alexis: One meeting we debated M&Ms versus Reese’s Pieces. It was a lot of fun because it was not a serious topic, but we were able to learn more about how to debate.
Learn how you can get involved with the chapter on your campus or find out how you can bring NeW to your school. Contact Vanessa Rivera, NeW Campus Program Coordinator, if you have any questions.