Campus Program Associate Vanessa Rivera caught up with NeW at FGCU chapter leader Sara Vaubel as part of our Chapter Leader Spotlights! Check out her response for more insight into what makes NeW leaders so inspirational:

Q. How did you first hear about NeW?
A. I first heard about NeW through my roommate from freshman year who was one of the girls who helped start the NeW chapter here at FGCU.
Q. Tell us a little bit about yourself and why you became involved in NeW?
A. I grew up in a small town in Illinois called Kankakee and decided to move down to Florida for college for a new start away from home. I became involved with NeW for all of the amazing opportunities and the wonderful group of girls. I joined my sophomore year of college and have since then become very involved with our campus chapter. I have been presented with so many amazing opportunities such as the chance to go to CPAC every year. The girls of NeW have become some of my lifelong friends and I am so thankful I had the opportunity to join NeW!
Q. What appeals to you about NeW?
A. To me, the most appealing aspect of NeW would have to be the way the organization empowers the girls to be who they are and to be strong women in the work field. It can be tough being a young conservative woman on a college campus but NeW gives me the motivation to embrace myself as a conservative woman and to help others find their power a well.
Q. What made you want to start a NeW chapter?
A. I first found out FGCU was starting a NeW chapter through a good friend of mine. She had recently seen the booth at CPAC in 2016 and her and a couple other girls decided to bring a chapter to FGCU. Since then, I have been involved in NeW and have loved everything it has to offer.
Q. Why is having a NeW chapter on campus so important to you?
A. It is important to me because it gives young conservative women the chance to empower themselves as well as help others who are struggling to embrace what they believe in. I feel at home when I am around this group of girls because we all accept each other for who we are.
Q. How do you benefit from being a part of NeW? What is the best part of being involved with NeW?
A. I have benefited from being a part of NeW in many ways. I have grown more as a young conservative woman while also growing in the professional world. The best part of being involved with NeW is the opportunity we have to become strong conservative women while also having fun and getting opportunities we never would get without the help of NeW.
Q. What makes you the most excited about being a part of NeW?
A. For me, the most exciting part of being a part of NeW would have to be the idea of our chapter potentially making a difference on our college campus.
Thanks for sharing, Sara. To get involved with or start a chapter on your campus, fill out our Prospective Chapter Form and email