Chapter Leader Spotlight: Abby Realsen, NeW at Colorado Christian University

As part of our Chapter Leader Spotlight, Campus Program Associate Vanessa Rivera caught up with Abby Realsen, president of NeW at the Colorado Christian University chapter.

How did you first hear about NeW? 

I am involved in a think tank here at CCU called the Centennial Institute. I went to a women’s lunch that we were putting on in which Karin Agness was the keynote speaker. After talking with her about the origins of NeW and all that it is doing around the nation, I was really excited about the opportunity to get involved at CCU.

Tell us a little bit about yourself and why you became involved in NeW?

I am a senior studying Political Science and Global Studies. I absolutely love everything outdoors here in the Rocky Mountains and I can talk anyone’s ear off about the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Thomas Jefferson. I became involved in NeW in order to provide a place for women on campus to learn how to be involved in our current political climate and give them opportunities to learn more about what is going on.

What appeals to you about NeW?

I love the ability to be able to get together with other young women to learn about their passions and how they can be involved in our community to make the impact that they desire. I think it is unique and very valuable to provide women a space to have candid dialogue and learn from one another.

What made you want to start a NeW chapter?

I wanted to start a NeW chapter in order to get women involved in professional development and to learn more about how to be involved in local politics and discussions around campus. Women have a huge part of the voting block and I would love to have more respected women who have a public voice.

Why is having a NeW chapter on campus so important to you?

I think having NeW on campus is important because it gives the women on campus an opportunity to get to know one another and share ideas in a safe and respectful environment. I would love to create a culture in which women are safe to have a dialogue and to challenge and build one another up in their ideas and life goals.

How do you benefit from being a part of NeW? What is the best part of being involved with NeW?

NeW has given me the opportunity to be more involved with other women on campus and to learn more about national politics. The books that we have read as a part of NeW have formed the way that I think and challenged many of my preconceived ideas. NeW has also been a very valuable addition to my resume and I think it has equipped me with many tools that I will be able to use in my professional career.

What makes you the most excited about being a part of NeW?

I think the most exciting part of NeW for me is the opportunity to meet new people and to figure out ways to help them to achieve their career goals.


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