Patti’s Pearls of Wisdom – Navigating Rejection with Grace and Gumption 

Navigating the tumultuous waters of the job search as a young professional woman can be an exhilarating and, at times, deeply frustrating experience. The excitement of opportunity often tangles with the disappointment of rejection that can cause even the most confident woman to doubt herself.  But let’s be clear, the job hunt takes grit. It’s […]

Leadership Lessons: Advice from a Female Founder

On Tuesday, November 5, women from across DC gathered to hear from one of the nation’s premier conservative donor development experts, Ann Fitzgerald. Before starting her successful nonprofit consulting firm, Fitzgerald was the Director of Development at the Heritage Foundation where she helped lead an effort to increase contributions by 20%.  Fitzgerald began her speech […]

Carleton College Blog: My Favorite Convo

This blog post originally appeared on Carleton College’s Admissions Website on April 9, 2019. The piece is written by Lucas Demetriades regarding the recent speech given by Karin Lips, President of NeW, as the weekly convocation speaker at Carleton College. My Favorite Convo I’ve written about Carleton’s convos before, but for those who don’t know, they’re basically weekly […]

National Conference Recap: Human Trafficking and What You Can Do to Fight Back

Dawn Hawkins: Let’s Talk Sex Trafficking: The Hidden Problem in America and What You Can Do To Fight Back  The National Conference hit a somber mood when Dawn Hawkins, Senior Vice President and Executive Director of the National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE), discussed the nature of human trafficking in the United States. She made the […]

National Conference Recap: Understanding Women’s Rights Around the World

Lisa Daftari on Women’s Rights Around the World For many Americans, basic women’s rights are taken for granted and are not fully appreciated when compared to the human rights violations around the world. At this year’s National Conference, Lisa Daftari, TV and Radio Host/Commentator, combatted this ignorance to demonstrate how women’s rights are being violated […]

Caitlin Flanagan on Today’s Colleges and the Indoctrination of their Students

Caitlin Flanagan was, without a doubt, one of my favorite speakers at the NeW National Conference. Caitlin Flanagan is a contributing editor to the Atlantic and a former staff writer for The New Yorker. In addition, she is also the author of Girl Land, a best-selling book about what girls have lost and gained in […]

Policy Debate: Careers, Babies, and What Policies Work Best for Women

Debating the option of running parental leave through Social Security NeW’s National Conference included a debate entitled Careers, Babies, and What Policies Work Best for Women featuring Carrie Lukas andRachel Greszler, moderated by Kelsey Harkness. The debate focused on the benefits and drawbacks of allowing mothers to access Social Security funds to pay for maternity […]

Grace-Marie Turner, the Galen Institute, and the New Generation of Heath Policy

Grace-Marie Turner, the founder and president of the Galen Institute, spoke at the 2018 National Conference that was held June 21-23 in Washington D.C. The Galen Institute and Grace-Marie work to promote informed debate over free-market ideas for health reform. During her talk, Grace-Marie described her experience starting the Galen Institute. She started her public […]

Sex Matters: A Discussion with Mona Charen

Mona Charen joined us at National Conference to discuss the differences between men and women, and talk about her new book Sex Matters. Charen emphasized that men and women are different in a complimentary way, and both sexes are essential to the flourishing of society. Charen stated, “I consider myself a feminist in the sense […]

National Conference Recap: How Pro-Liberty Policies Benefit Women

One of the major issues of discussion during this year’s National Conference was how all policies are women’s policies and can have major impacts on how women live their lives. One of the panels this weekend covered just that. Lindsey Burke, Kerri Kupec, and Emily Ekins, all shared their insights regarding policies in the realms of […]
