Carly Fiorina Addresses NeW at AU

By Grayson Campo, President of NeW at American University

“Leadership is not about a title, degree or level. Anybody can lead at any time.” The audience listened closely to Carly Fiorina’s words as she spoke about her leadership experience, perspective on politics today, and life advice to the students at American University. Kennedy Political Union (KPU), American University’s non-partisan premiere speakers bureau, co-sponsored with Network of Enlightened Women, College Republicans, and the AU Graduate Leadership Council to host Carly Fiorina.

When Fiorina was asked about today’s society she began saying that cultures, values, customs, and habits all change, but people don’t change. We like to stick to our own kind and form our tribes. Today, we are in an utterly unique time. Our new technology leads to power and today, we cling to our tribes in cyberspace. In the short amount of characters on social media, we tend to reflect controversy and not good character. The shorter amount of characters lead us to be more mean and angry instead of spreading positive vibes.

Fiorina found her political ideology after she graduated from college and received work experience. Her beliefs fell in line with conservative ideas. When she was working she found that power concentrated is power abused. She reminded the audience that if given the chance, opportunity, or tools, people can solve their problems and that people are greater than their circumstances. Leadership is the catalyst to problem-solving. Fiorina reminded the group of anxious college students that she never had a plan to become a CEO or run for President. She simply solved problems and it led her to great things.

Carly Fiorina with NeW members at AU.
Carly Fiorina speaks at AU
Carly Fiorina at AU



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