Caitlin Flanagan on Today’s Colleges and the Indoctrination of their Students

Caitlin Flanagan was, without a doubt, one of my favorite speakers at the NeW National Conference. Caitlin Flanagan is a contributing editor to the Atlantic and a former staff writer for The New Yorker. In addition, she is also the author of Girl Land, a best-selling book about what girls have lost and gained in […]

Grace-Marie Turner, the Galen Institute, and the New Generation of Heath Policy

Grace-Marie Turner, the founder and president of the Galen Institute, spoke at the 2018 National Conference that was held June 21-23 in Washington D.C. The Galen Institute and Grace-Marie work to promote informed debate over free-market ideas for health reform. During her talk, Grace-Marie described her experience starting the Galen Institute. She started her public […]

Intern Spotlight: Maggie Horzempa

Meet Maggie We asked our Summer 2018 intern, Maggie Horzempa, for her thoughts on NeW and conservatism. Maggie is a senior at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, where she studies philosophy and political science. How did you hear about NeW? I first heard about NeW at a […]

I’m Excited for #YWLR18 and You Should Be Too!

With only a few weeks between me and NeW’s 2018 Young Women’s Leadership Retreat, I can feel myself getting more and more excited by the day! I am thrilled to attend so I can connect back with the NeW women I met at NeW’s National Conference, discuss the readings with other attendees, and take the […]

Neomi Rao: NeW’s Empowered Woman of the Year

At this year’s National Conference in Washington D.C., Neomi Rao received NeW’s Empowered Woman of the Year Award. This award is presented to a woman that empowers other women through leadership and service. Neomi works to cut regulations to allow women to work and flourish in the workplace under the Trump administration. In her acceptance […]

Being a conservative woman in college is like being a part of ‘Fight Club’

If you visited Hillsdale College’s Kirby Center in D.C. last weekend, you would have seen a white and pink banner labeled “NeW,” proudly displayed by the front door. Inside, you would have seen a group of women, and a few men, all gathering to celebrate the Network of Enlightened Women and its conservative beliefs. This […]

Nugs and Networking: A LinkedIn Workshop with NeW at UNC

By Abigail Marone Every student in college has one goal in mind: get a job after graduation. But how do you do that? There are a lot of factors involved, like your GPA, your resume, interview skills, and anything and everything that comes along with that. This “How to Get a Job 101” package also includes […]
