Intern Spotlight: Katie Caldwell

Meet Katie Caldwell, our fall Chapters Intern! Katie is a junior at James Madison University.

Q: How did you hear about NeW?  

I heard about NeW through some of my peers who were involved in my university’s College Republicans club. They informed me that there was a women’s conservative group, and it immediately piqued my interest.

Q: Why is NeW important?  

NeW is important because it provides conservative women an environment to strengthen and discuss their beliefs without judgment. It is very difficult being a conservative on a college campus that constantly tries to dismiss conservative views.

Q: What is the most important conservative issue in your opinion?  

I believe the most important conservative issue to be gun control. Democrats threatening to ban assault weapons is an infringement on the Constitution’s Second Amendment.

Q: If you could offer advice to college students, what would it be?  

My advice to college students would be to get involved in groups with like-minded individuals. College can be lonely at times, especially if you do not find people who share similar values. Fellowship and networking that organizations, like NeW, can provide are extremely beneficial in making life-long connections.

Q: Why were you interested in interning for NeW?  

I wanted to intern for NeW for an opportunity to help contribute to NeW’s mission and to be able to work alongside women who share similar values.

Q: What do you hope to gain from your internship?  

I hope to gain valuable workplace skills that I can transfer to my future career.



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