Congratulations to our graduating seniors, and thank you for your work with NeW! We are pleased to spotlight some of our outstanding chapter leaders and members. 

Meet Ashley Dohlman, Secretary of NeW at Baylor University. 

What were some of your favorite events that you participated in with NeW? 

Shooting event: It was great to sharpen my skills while hanging out with other amazing women.

Hosting Riley Gaines: It was so cool to hear her story and her bravery in standing up for what is right. 

What are your plans after graduation? 

I will be working at Continental managing a sales territory. 

What advice would you give to a conservative woman starting college? 

Stay strong with what you believe and find a community who helps you do that. 

How has NeW impacted you and prepared you for your next steps? 

It has given me a great network that I can count on. 

Why is NeW important to you? 

It has given me a community. It allows women to gain confidence in what they believe and stand up for it. 

The Network of enlightened Women (NeW) provides premier opportunities for young conservative women like Ashley. Learn how to bring a Chapter of NeW to your campus today! 
