We are proud to announce that Bryant Condrey is the winner of the NeW Gentlemen’s Showcase for 2011. After an entire month of voting, Bryant, a junior at Patrick Henry College, pulled ahead of competitors during the last few days of voting for a surprise victory. His girlfriend Alyssa Richardson nominated him at the beginning of March and is president of the NeW chapter at James Madison University.

Check out what the NeW Gentleman of the Year had to say about this year’s contest:

What do you think defines a gentleman?

A gentleman is a man who understands his proper role in society, in the family and in church. If any of those are missing then he is lacking. I think a gentleman is one who is guided by his care for others as well as his adherence to truth and righteousness tempered by grace. If he has all of this aligned properly then the behavior will follow. Too many think that the behavior is what defines a gentleman. It’s not. It’s the attitude and the heart that do.

How did you feel when you heard you were nominated for the NeW Gentlemen’s Showcase?

Utterly elated. I had no idea my wonderful girlfriend was going to do this for me. I was completely honored by the fact that first of all, she was obviously proud of me enough to put me up for scrutiny. Second, I was completely surprised because I had no idea she was nominating me until I saw the video.

How did you feel when you heard you were the national winner of the NeW Gentleman’s Showcase?

Well, since we could see a running tally on Facebook I can’t say it was a shock, but I was definitely surprised that so many people were willing to acknowledge something like this. It’s a testament to the hard work of Karin in beginning this organization and to the ideas and work of the ladies who began and run this Showcase. I am excited at the total number of votes garnered by Matt Smalbach, myself, and all of the other nominees in the 2011 Gentleman’s Showcase and I can’t wait to see how this organization grows! Obviously, I am passionate about this topic.

Sounds like a true gentleman to me! ????

Here’s a little of what Alyssa had to say about the NeW Gentlemen’s Showcase

This was a very close and nerve-wracking competition! I did my best to spread the word about the Gentlemen’s Showcase through word of mouth on my campus and social media. I messaged all my friends with links to vote, posted on organization’s walls, and continuously posted as my status. As much as I wanted Bryant to win, I also encouraged my friends to nominate any gentlemen in their life because beyond winning we want to participate in this great effort to honor chivalrous behavior.

I was so ecstatic when I heard Bryant was  the national winner of NeW’s Gentlemen’s Showcase! Of course I am honored and blessed to know Bryant whether he wins the official title or not, but I would love that he was honored with this recognition he deserves.

Bryant won with a total of 776 votes. NeW congratulates Bryant on his win, and is excited to have him represent the organization as NeW Gentleman of the Year.
